Cheer General Info
Youth Cheerleading
Flag Cheer 5-7 years old registration includes:
- Spirit pack (t-shirt and shorts)
- 2 bows (Game bow & Pink Bow)
- Teams will cheer at home and away games
- One local performance (outside of games)
- Practice typically 2-3 times per week for 1 hour (Vista Magnet Middle School)
- Uniform, Cheer Shoes, and Jamz Camp cost extra.
Mighty Mite Cheer 7, 8, & 9 years old – $650.00 + Gym Fees
Registration includes:
- Spirit pack (t-shirt and shorts)
- Uniforms included (Game & Comp uniform)
- 3 pack of bows (Game bow, Competition bow, and Pink Bow)
- The team will cheer at home and away game
- Local Completion San Diego CA, If they place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd advance to Regional’s Long Beach, CA. If they place 1st, 2nd, 3rd they advance to Nationals in Disney World, FL
- Six Flags JAMZ & JAMZ Nationals Las Vegas, NV
- Practice typically 2-3 times per week for 2 hours (Vista Magnet Middle School & Cheer Gym)
- Cheer shoe cost is extra
Competition Division
MM Cheer 7, 8, & 9 years old, JR Pee Wee cheer 8, 9, 10 & 11 years old, Pee Wee cheer 9, 10, 11 & 12 years old, JR Varsity Cheer 10, 11, 12 & 13 ,
Varsity Cheer – 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 years old $600.00 + Gym Fees
Registration includes:
- Spirit pack (t-shirt and shorts)
- 3 packs of bows (Game bow, Competition bow, and Pink Bow)
- Game Uniform & Competition Uniform
- Teams will cheer at home and away games
- Local Completion San Diego CA, If they place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd advance to Regional’s Long Beach, CA. If they place 1st, 2nd, 3rd they advance to Nationals in Disney World, FL
- Six Flags JAMZ & JAMZ Nationals Las Vegas, NV
- Practice typically 3-4 times per week for 2-2.5 hours (Vista Magnet Middle School & Cheer Gym)
Cheer Shoes and Jamz Camp cost extra Payment plans are available
Pop Warner was founded in 1929, continues to grow, and serves as the only youth football, cheerleading, and dance organization that requires its participants to maintain academic standards to participate. Pop Warner’s commitment to academics separates this program from other youth sports around the world.
Cheerleading has been a part of the Pop Warner program for several decades. The first-ever national cheerleading competition was held in DeKalb County, Ga. today, and over 120,000 children are taking part in cheerleading and dancing around the United States.
Participation in the Pop Warner spirit program provides kids an opportunity to perform in an organized, supervised, safety-oriented environment. Vista’s Pop Warner programs emphasize fun for all and encourage the development of qualities important long after the Pop Warner days are gone.
Our spirit program is growing in numbers each year due to the popularity of the sport. In an effort to keep pace with the many new changes in the Cheer & Dance industry, there are a few basic rules that are unique to Pop Warner spirit squads. These rules are designed to emphasize safety, especially within our dance and cheer programs.
VPW Expectations
Our primary goal is to provide an environment where these young ladies can grow, have fun, and fall in love with the sport of cheerleading.
VPW Cheer strives for excellence while maintaining a fun and enjoyable environment. The participant’s hard work and dedication will culminate in a rewarding experience that they will remember for a lifetime. We require a huge commitment from everyone involved (kid and coach alike) and the season includes practices, games, fundraisers, and competitions from August through December.
Beginning in August, we maintain a mandatory conditioning period. During this month, cheerleaders will practice Monday through Friday for two hours each day. During their conditioning period, the cheerleaders will learn muscle-building skills, cheer positions, proper stunting techniques, and choreography for their competition routines. This provides every cheerleader with the basics and foundation to compete safely.
During the month of September, practices reduce to 3 days a week, and attending games on Saturdays during our 10-week football season. All games and practices are mandatory and each cheerleader will only be allowed 3 excused absences.
Cheer Competitions
In addition to cheering at weekly football games, VPW emphasizes their participation in cheer competitions that take place at the local, regional and national levels (please see our performance results below). the Palomar Conference competition is usually held at Cox Arena. The WESCON regional competition is held within driving distance (previous locations include Long Beach, Ontario, San Diego, and Phoenix, Arizona). The National competition is held in Orlando, Florida.
Individual travel expenses are the responsibility of each family, but VPW is committed to providing opportunities throughout the season to help reduce these costs significantly.
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas.
Please contact the Cheer Coordinator at

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